Ralph, an isolated man, encounters an alien named Lenny B, an alien scholar of human musicology. Ralph promises to teach Lenny about human culture in exchange for Lenny's help with mending his relationship with his ex-wife. Along the way, the pair become friends as they discover the beautiful gifts that humanity has to offer.
Assistant Director, Producer. Created under Ghetto Film School, in conjunction with director, Moises Marquez, and director of photography, Tobias Romero.
Beyond City Limits was created as part of Ghetto Film School's "Advanced Storytelling" course, in which the class wrote scripts and voted for the top three to be produced. From there, students pitched for the directing positions to the class, who voted. Finally students pitched to directors for remaining crew positions, and production began! Made with a budget of $500.
For me, this project was especially unique because it was one of the first sets where I was the only female filmmaker. It was an odd experience at first, but I soon became accustomed to it. This was also a unique experience for me because I had to act as assistant director, gaffer, assistant camera operator, production assistant, and set designer simultaneously because we had last minute changes, which greatly impacted crew roles. While it was often hard to manage the duties of each role, I am happy with the way things turned out as it gave me more experience with jobs I had not had before.